
The process INDIMO will follow to fully develop the Toolbox consists of five main steps, shortly described also in the About page. More details about the methodology can be found here.

Methodology: step by step
Stage 1

Identification of users’ needs, requirements, capabilities, barriers and constraints towards digital transport systems

Data collection from ten user and ten deployment case studies, including the five INDIMO pilots.

Stage 2

Co-design of the INDIMO Inclusive Digital Mobility Toolbox to address the identified needs in order to bridge the digital mobility gap

Involvement of stakeholders in the Co-creation Community through, for example  co-creation workshops

Stage 3

Co-implementation of the tools included in the INDIMO toolbox to test their impact and usability

The tools – especially the Universal Design Manual and the Universal Interface Language Manual- are used to (re)design the mobility services that each pilot  focuses on. Useful suggestions for improvement are collected.

Stage 4

Co-evaluation, feedback, redesign

The evaluation is carried out in the pilot sites. It concerns two main aspects:

  • Process evaluation of the INDIMO toolbox, exploring how engineers, operators and policy makers integrate the tools in their usual way of working.
  • Inclusion and accessibility assessment of the mobility services explored in the pilots.
Stage 5

Transfer and deployment of the INDIMO toolbox

  • The INDIMO toolbox is deployed as an online toolbox.
  • Online and offline communication activities ensure that the results are disseminated to the target groups.
  • A transferability assessment is carried out to understand if the toolbox can achieve the same results in a different setting. Practical recommendations on how to apply and adapt the tools to different local contexts are provided.