Customised training empowering people with low digital skills

INDIMO Monghidoro
November 30, 2022
Reading Time
2 min

By Rebecca Hueting DBL and Valeria Montanari from Poste Italiane, Emilia Romagna pilot site partner

In the Emilia-Romagna pilot site, thanks to the strong support from our partner Poste Italiane, a customised training empowering people with low digital skills was delivered. The training was developed following the INDIMO recommendations emerged from the co-creation activities with end-users, developers, designers, service providers and local authorities. The main question the research group wanted to answer was:

“How to involve rural target users such as elderly people, foreigners, and generally speaking people with lower digital skills and make them confident in using Poste Italiane digital locker?”

Thanks to customized engagement actions to introduce them to the digital locker, such as:

  • organizing one-to-one on-site training events;
  • providing them with personalized informative material describing the locker features in simple words with the support of images and screenshots;
  • giving quick access to the technical operating manuals and videotutorials already available;

Above all, listening to involced users’ requests allowed Poste Italiane identifying their needs and developing such additional materials both in Italian and English, to entice even foreigners to use the digital locker.

The pilot counted with the Monghidoro mayor’s support to promote the locker and the specific communication activities promoted by Poste Italiane, both to end-users and to public offices’ employees. Read the related articles to know more about the engagement process and the important results achieved.


The training manuals can be fully downloaded in pdf format, both in Italian and English, in the INDIMO website resources section:

English version

Italian version  


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