Emilia-Romagna: video of launch event

November 25, 2021
Reading Time
2 min

By Clara Caruso, Valeria Montanari e Sonia Romano | Poste Italiane

Our team at Poste Italiane is happy to share the video recording of the official launching event held on the 27th of October 2021 in Monghidoro, where all citizens could learn about INDIMO project and the innovative digital locker Punto Poste da Te. The event was organised by ITL and featured the participation of the Mayor of Monghidoro Barbara Panzacchi, Martina Gherardi of Poste Italiane and Eleonora Tu of ITL, the pilot site leader.

The event, shooted by Poste Italiane, was recorded on Youtube, the registration can be found at the following link (in Italian):

Watch video

A practical session, lead by Poste Italiane, was also offered to the public participants to better understand the functionality of the locker.

The digital locker has been installed in a safe and accessible area of the Town Hall, allowing citizens of Monghidoro over 18 years old to use the service, ensuring higher accessibility of online purchases and last mile delivery services, also for people not able to receive parcel at their houses. Besides, the locker guarantees fast performing of transactions.

The Poste Italiane digital locker foreseen by Pilot 1 – Emilia Romagna was installed in the City Hall of Monghidoro (province of Bologna, Italy) in late September 2021 and citizens are getting familiar with the service.You can read the official Poste Italiane press release here:

Read press release

On the 2nd of December the local Community of Practice will meet for the 1st re-design workshop. Citizens’ representatives, representatives from the service provider Poste Italiane, ITL and the Major of Monghidoro will gather to discuss barriers and benefits of the service and collaboratively identify accessibility issues and assessed mitigations.

Stay tuned!



Read article by ITL in italian

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