INDIMO at the EPF Conference in Copenhagen

INDIMO EPF conference
June 28, 2022
Reading Time
2 min

By Daniel Herrera (POLIS) and Kathryn Bulanowski (EPF)

On the 10th and 11th of June 2022, INDIMO was present at the EPF conference in Copenhagen, Denmark, where our colleague Katrhryn Bulanowski (EPF) presented our INDIMO tools in the framework  of the topic “Digital transition in public transport – opportunities and points of concern”. The conference brought together a relevant audience comprising regional and national passenger organisations, higher-level authorities, as well as digital transport operators, all of them within the scope of the INDIMO target groups.

Our partner Ms. Kathryn Bulanowski from EPF presented the INDIMO tools and asked questions through slido to interact with the audience and gather input on the tools and more specifically, on the SPET – Service policy evaluation tool. In general, the participants saw the value of the research, and an overall positive feedback was collected. A couple of NGOs representatives thought the SPET tool is better suited for public transport operators, yet NGOs can use it as tool for cross-engaging with them. Several participants were already aware of the growing shift to digitalisation and are often confronted with the related challenges and barriers. A few NGOs, policymakers, and transport providers mentioned that INDIMO results and tools will be useful input for their projects and expressed interest in following our activities and attending our future workshops and events.

The presentation is available for download here below:EPF conference presentation


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