How to make mobility work for all: a POLIS webinar on embracing inclusiveness in transport

September 18, 2020
Reading Time
2 min

by Piero Valmassoi – INDIMO Dissemination Manager, POLIS Network

How to make mobility work for all is a challenge, especially considering the astounding speed of digital innovation we see nowadays. The empowerment of vulnerable people should be central in the design of mobility products, services, and strategies. Only by doing so we can build transport systems that can really work for everybody.


New approaches and solutions aimed at the creation of accessible transport systems will be the common thread of the webinar Embracing inclusiveness: how to make mobility work for all organised by POLIS, presenting INDIMO together with two other EU-funded projects: TRIPS (TRansport Innovation for vulnerable-to-exclusion People needs Satisfaction) and DIGNITY (DIGital traNsport In and for socieTY).

The webinar will take place on 24 September, from 14.00 to 15.00, and will feature presentations by speakers from the three projects. They will illustrate complementarities as well as varieties in their approaches, which aim at designing inclusive and accessible mobility solutions, thanks to direct involvement of vulnerable transport users in the process.

This webinar will also serve as a handover between EU-funded projects that cover the topic of inclusiveness and accessibility in transport, as it will follow closely the final conference of INCLUSION and HI-Reach projects, planned for the 22nd of September 2020.


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