Understanding vulnerable citizens’ needs by using a user-centered design approach: INDIMO at Urbanism Next conference 2021

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July 9, 2021
Events / News
Reading Time
2 min

by Pasquale Cancellara and Daniel Herrera, dissemination team at POLIS


On the 11th of June 2021, the INDMO project was featured in a session titled “Understanding vulnerable citizens’ needs by using a user-centered design approachduring The Urbanism Next conference.

Including citizens vulnerable to exclusion in mobility dialogue becomes more challenging when disruptive transport solutions are the new norm. Innovation offers enormous opportunities but are vulnerable citizens able to take advantage of new mobility practices? Transport experts and professionals working in three European-wide research projects: INCLUSION, MOMENTUM and INDIMO had the opportunity to discuss how local authorities, transport operators and service developers can use a user-centric approach to assess and fulfill citizens’ special needs.

Inspired by the annual Urbanism Next Conference in Portland, Oregon, USA, the Urbanism Next Europe Conference was an interdisciplinary event, convening private, public and academic stakeholders who play critical roles in shaping the future of our cities. The conference explored how technological, societal and economic trends will change land use, environment, architecture, transport, public space, urban planning, governance and more.

INDIMO was represented by the project coordinator Samyajit Basu, VUB, and by Floridea Di Ciommo, cambiaMO who presented the preliminary experiences coming from INDIMO’s pilot city Madrid on how a user-centred design approach can be applied to mobility. The session was moderated by Pasquale Cancellara, Project and Membership Services Manager at POLIS.

The conference was organized by POLIS in collaboration with NUMO, TNO, the City of Rotterdam, Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Waterstaat, and many others.

The presentations along with a recording of the session are available on the following link

Session Presentations and Recordings

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