First redesign workshop in Galilee

INDIMO Galilee ride hailing
(Source: Unsplash images - credits: Steevy Hoareau)
October 26, 2021
Reading Time
1 min

By Michelle Specktor, senior researcher at Technion and Galilee pilot site leader

On 5th October 2021 the Galilee pilot conducted its 1st redesign Workshop. The Galilee pilot uses the Safarcon App and focuses on providing informal ridesharing for women of minority populations in rural Arab towns in the Galilee region in Israel. Workshop participants included the app developer, policy makers, and final users. Recommendations from the workshop included building an awareness campaign and endorse the service via social media in the short-term, implementing a few highly prioritized UDM and UIL recommendations including GDPR Compliance, and developing the app in a new environment that supports both IOS and Android.


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