INDIMO 5th Co-creation Workshop Report

October 11, 2022
Reading Time
3 min

By Alexandra Pinto (VDI/VDE-IT) and Daniel Herrera (POLIS),


INDIMO 5th Co-creation Workshop: Transferability of the INDIMO tools to a wider European context.

On 5 October 2022, the INDIMO project organised its 5th Co-creation Workshop on the transferability of the INDIMO tools to a wider European context in Rome, Italy. The 6-hour workshop gathered a diverse group of 28 participants representing the tool’s main target groups, including policy makers, operators, vulnerable end-users and their representatives in the field of digital mobility and logistics services across Europe.


This workshop was a part of the series of co-creation workshops the project is conducting to co-create the INDIMO digital mobility toolbox. In this workshop, the transferability of the INDIMO tools to a wider European context was assessed. The INDIMO tools support developers, operators and policy makers in generating an inclusive, universally accessible and personalised digital transport system.


After a general introduction to the INDIMO project by its project coordinator, the INDIMO tools and their application in the five pilot projects were presented. Subsequently, in line with the objectives of the workshop, the transferability assessment activities were explained.

Afterwards, participants had the chance to familiarise themselves with the INDIMO tools. Following this, the fictional city of Omidin was introduced in the framework of a scenario-based activity thought to depict a typical European city interested in implementing an inclusive digital mobility service capable of showing accessible walking paths in the city to improve tourism by using the INDIMO tools. Participants were then divided into three groups and brainstormed the necessary components and characteristics the city of Omidin needed to effectively implement the inclusive digital mobility service by using the INDIMO tools. Furthermore, participants discussed how the INDIMO tools can be used in developing an implementation strategy and the relevance of certain attributes such as end-user participation and stakeholder engagement. To wrap up the workshop, the results were shared in a feedback session.


In terms of the main outcomes of the workshop, it was found that end-user involvement is critical in ensuring the implementation of accessible transport services, which can be achieved through co-creation approaches. Furthermore, it is essential that users can give feedback on the service for continuous optimisation. Finally, the legal context, including policies and applicable standards, must be considered by cities interested in implementing inclusive digital mobility services using the INDIMO toolbox.

SPROUT cities’ transferability assessment support

As an added value to this workshop, the INDIMO consortium counted with the collaboration of the SPROUT project, which has extensively cooperated with INDIMO in different research and dissemination activities related to the development of the INDIMO toolbox. For this workshop, the SPROUT cities and regions of Arad (Romania), Budapest (Hungary), and Transport for West Midlands (United Kingdom), supported the INDIMO tools’ transferability assessment process by bringing their experience on the transferability processes carried out in the SPROUT project.



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