TRIPS, INDIMO, and DIGNITY Joint Final Conference

INDIMO final event
October 20, 2022
Reading Time
3 min

By Isobel Duxfield and Daniel Herrera (POLIS),


Urban mobility has to change substantively, to become cleaner and more resilient. But for this change to be socially and politically viable, we have to ensure a just transition, and also make urban mobility more affordable, safe, and inclusive.

Achieving this requires focus on user needs; what passengers want, need and are missing in our current mobility offerings- co-design is key. So how can we secure this?

In come TRIPSINDIMO and DIGNITY, three Horizon 2020-funded projects addressing just this!


Date and place: 7 December – Brussels, Belgium

Location: The Faculty, Rue des Vétérinaires (Veeartsenstraat) 45-47, 1070 Anderlecht

Here you can find other useful information such as how to reach the congress centre.

Check our agenda here.

Registration for this event is closed.


Digital solutions and inclusivity: The question on everyone’s lips

The sustainable transport field is exploding with an expanding array of digital solutions for mobility and logistics. From integrated ticketing to wayfinding apps, micromobility services to parking- our urban mobility is fast being guided by digitisation and new technologies. While this is making life easier for many- are we all included?

These three projects have been exploring this question, analysing how our modern mobility systems can cater for all user needs.


Are we all on board? What are the projects about?

The three projects, TRIPS, INDIMO, and DIGNITY represent the most recent research aimed at making the transport system more equitable and inclusive by focusing on the users’ perspective. Attention to citizens vulnerable to exclusion is at the core of all projects: TRIPS addresses the specific needs and barriers encountered by travellers with disabilities; INDIMO and DIGNITY consider diverse vulnerable groups, such as older peopleethnic minorities and the economically vulnerable.

The co-design of products and services and the co-creation of inclusive policies is also a common factor, aimed at improving the accessibility of the transport system, especially in the context of the fast and irreversible transition to digital mobility.


The conference: three projects, one shared journey!

Each project will propose its own tools and recommendations developed for further exploitation in an interactive on-site event. TRIPS will demonstrate how mobility solutions co-designed by persons with disabilities can provide inclusive transport for all.

INDIMO will present its toolbox and strategies for vulnerable to exclusion groups to thrive in the transition to digital mobility, while DIGNITY will showcase the results of the Inclusive Design Wheel to overcome possible barriers to mobility for vulnerable to exclusion groups.


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