INDIMO approach starts from an inclusive project website

(credits: Bogdan Todoran via Unsplash)
April 15, 2020
Reading Time
2 min

INDIMO inclusive approach starts from making digital mobility services more inclusive:

Take a look at the new INDIMO project website, designed to enhance accessibility of information for a wide range of users.


The INDIMO website has been designed coherently with the objective of the project, namely enhancing  inclusivity and accessibility of digital mobility solutions: to achieve this, it allows several accessibility options – for example, different text sizes and colour modes – which contribute to the customisation of its layout, where every element is accessible for a wide range of users with different needs.

As the main online communication channel of the project, it includes background information on the project, the list of pilot sites and technical partners, as well as the objectives and the methodology pursued by the project. It will be maintained up to date with the latest news, events and project results.

The website aims to be the first point of contact for the inclusive digital mobility, not only during the project’s lifetime, but also after its end. For this reason, the Inclusive Digital Mobility Toolbox that will be developed by the partners will be made public through the website. The Toolbox has the aim of reaching out to the widest possible range of public and private actors, starting from urban mobility professionals and policy makers. Furthermore, the website will contribute to the project’s co-creation approach, by hosting the link to the European Transport and Mobility Forum, the web platform which will allow the discussions of the INDIMO Co-creation Community during the project.

The project is only at the beginning but the web domain is ready to serve as its user-friendly communication gateway and to become a knowledge and communication hub for user-centric mobility in the long term.

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