INDIMO pilot phase 3: Implementation of the redesigned services

INDIMO Berlin Hackathon
May 31, 2022
Reading Time
1 min

By Sara Sanchez, researcher at the ZLC Zaragoza Logistic Center and pilot projects coordinator


Pilots have started phase 3, implementation of the redesigned services using the INDIMO tools. According to the outcomes from the 2nd redesign workshops realized during phase 2, each pilot is implementing the recommendations based on the revisions made by using the Universal Design Manual, the Universal interfaces Language icons for transport services, and the Cybersecurity and Privacy Assessment guidelines.

The testing and data collection are focused on analyzing if each pilot will achieve improvements over the original setup in terms of inclusivity and accessibility.

Short reports about each pilot’s phase 3 progress can be found in the button links below:

 P1 Emilia-Romagna


P2 Antwerp


P3 Galilee


P4 Madrid


P5 Berlin

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